just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 20, 2011

pengalaman jadi fasi..

act aku lpe nk tlis bnde ni..tpi skang tetibe beu tringt..ni sume pasal ade due makhlik asing r...tkot kan aku..lngsung x leh tido da..aishhh...
cite nye cenggini..hehe..act aku terlntik la kn jdi fasilitator tok bisnes bgi semua sem..maslhnye aku mne la reti nk ngajor org..diri sndiri pon kuang ajo..hihi..xtau la psl ape tpilih ni..(pointr elok kot) hehe...spatutnye aku kne wat perjmpaan ngn ank buah aku tiap2 minggu.tpi da smpai last sem..satu pjmpaan pon aku x pnh wat..hehe..ak da la smemangnye pemalas..nsib la spe yg jadi ank buah aku..sian dowg dpt fasi cm aku..redha ae..lectre pon satu dlm bnyk2 org aku jgk yg dplih..xsgnmnt xpnh yg siap tpi nk kne ajar org..aiya..plak tu sblum tu dowg ade wat xplorce tok para fasi..aku pon tpkse mlibtkn diri la..aish..mmg kejam gle la xtiviti dowg..abes muka aku kne maen ngn cat..pastu kne makn kopi pahit..gillerr..abes muka jerawat..haha..n yg pling xske time dowg soh msuk tngn dalm tin..rpenye dlm tin ade cacing..mak oi..da la aku sensitif ngn binatang lembik tu..aku nk je g penampo sape yg wat prgrm tu..haa..yg besr nye..group aku dpt nom satu siot..hihi..time mng tu best r..agpon pon kuliah aku terbaek subjek bisnes kn..kalah wat malu je la..haha...


 tepung masuk idong bai.

 antare dak klas yg jadi fasilitator..

team aku..hehe..streaming to success


muhamad hamimi said...

rajin ko jadi fasi..

muhamad hamimi said...

rjin ko jd fasi

surina amin said...
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