just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011


haha..rini best siot....jadual arini
8pg-10pg : koko (men badminton)
10pg-11pg : math (kuliah dibatalkan sebab lectre xde)..tido...zzzzz
11pg-12pg : akaun (kene blaja sbb ckgu ade)...:-(
12-1 ptg: kuiz akaun..(saye ckp kt ckgu saye surrender sbb mmg x bce
                      pon.so xbleh buat..ckgu ckp xpe..so ape lgi..aku pon
                      kuar la dri klas tu)haha
 1-2ptg : xde kelas..(so saye zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
2-3ptg : saye ponteng....(saye g ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz lagi)
3-4ptg : math (lectre xde kn) so zzzzz

rini kelas memang best...haha..lectere math xde so kelas aku free 2 jam la...tpi ptg tdi kol 2 sptutnye ade kls lagi sejam kelas ekonomi..tpi saye x pergi..haha..nakal sedikit..sebabnye,,bnyngkn la..kol 1 smpai kol 2 xde klas..aku  blik la blik..pastu kol 2 smpai kol 3 ade klas..pastu kol 3 xde klas da..da lang2 tu bek xyah dtg..smbung 3 jam turut2 aku tido..kn syok..haha...membe aku kol aku x brani nk angkt...hihi..mau die mrah aku..tgk..kt fb pon da publish kat wall aku tnye asl aku x attend klas..ayoyo..pape pon..haha..aku da berjaya ponteng kelas arini..:-)


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