just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 19, 2011


hehe..ari tu dak kmp dijemput mkn malm..tpi lpe da ble trikhnye..dlm minggu lpas gak la..waa..makan free lgi la nmpknye..hikhikhik..best2..jimat duit aku..
haha..yg klakar nye g mkn malm je pon.tu pon dok kt luar..bkn msuk dlm dean..dlm dewan tok blok laki..tpi pakai mngalhkan nk g red carpet..haha..posing je lebih mkn xpon..tpi best siot..huhu..


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