just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

doa hambaMU

"Ya Allah, sekiranya aku menyembah-Mu kerana takut kepada neraka, bakarlah aku di dalam neraka. Sekiranya aku menyembah-Mu kerana mengharapkan syurga, campakkanlah aku dari syurga. Namun sekiranya aku menyembah-Mu semata-mata demi-Mu, janganlah Engkau enggan memperlihatkan keindahan wajah-Mu yang abadi kepadaku."

"aku mohon supaya segala amalan ku diterima olehNYA"


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