just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Dua tiga minggu ni budak final year sangat stress. Mana nak hantar final year projek, presentation, assignment and psm lagi.. Dan minggu lepas jugak la aku gaduh dengab lisa. Arghh aku tak tau macam mana boleh gaduh. Tapi rasa menyesal sebenarnya. Even mulut cakap lain tapi dalam hati tak terniat pun sebenarnya. Aku dah anggap dia macam kakak aku dah. Tapi tulah aku pun tak tau macam benda ni boleh jadi macam ni. Skang dah masuk dua minggu kitorang tak bercakap. Walau apepun aku tetap sayang diorang.
Mana nak cari kawan yang sanggup ironkan perut kau time period pain. Yang sanggup teman belikan ayam ali fc..

Baru sikit je Allah uji surina dengan persahabatan. Dah jadi macam ni. Maaf ye lisa..

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Walk with me daddy

Every children poem to her/his dad

Walk alongside me, daddy
And hold my little hand
I have so many things to learn
That i dont yet understand

Teach me things to keep me safe
From dangers every day
Show me how to do my best
At home, at school, at play

Every child needs a gentle hand
To guide them as they grow
So walk alongside me, daddy
We have a long way to go.


You didnt walk alongside me daddy
Since I four years old.
I have so many things to learn
That I have to learned alone

I learned from myself
To keep me safe everyday
Nobody teach me
How to do my best in life

I grow up without a gentle hand
That every children hoping for
Four years not enough for me
Because I have a long way to go

Alfatihah for my late father
I really miss you
I always wonder how my life will be if you walk alongside me.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tamat intern dan keje part time

Hii uolls.. Akhirnya tamat sudah praktikal ku. Fuhhh... Setelah 6 bulan berlako sebagai seorang Qs. Hihihi.,so menjelang nk habis tu mula la proses untuk meng'claim' elaun JPA., harap-harap dapat la kan. So dah seminggu tamat praktikal dah ada 2 minggu sebelum raya. Disebabkan iolss ni nak cari duit untuk pergi jenjalan lepas raya nanti bersama ROSASINENSIS, so tpaksa la iolss kerja.,iols keja dekat kedai,baju ni.,dari 10 pagi sampai 5 petang. Ok la kan.

So  doakan gaji iols dapat lumayan ye..,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Quantity surveyor work at consutancies or contractor??

hari ni nak speaking kau. haaaa. memandang kan nak sampai ke tahun akhir ni. maka mula lah survey-survey kerja-kerja yang berkaitan dengan QS ni. bidang ape yang QS boleh masuk. dengar-dengar dari bos besar, banyak lubang-lubang pekerjaan QS ni. aku pun masih berkira-kira sama ade nak menjadi seorang QS yang berjaya *aicheh... ataupun surirumah.. hahaha. kalau cakap kat mak nak jadi surirumah, naya kena pancung, mesti kate aku membazir duit die hantar aku belajar je, kalau aku end up jadi suri rumah. haha. insyaAllah tak kot. aminn.. tapi kalau dapat suami kaya boleh la consider kot. hekhekhek... so aku cari-cari aku jumpa la satu penulisan kat targetjob .

DEKAT BAWAH NI APE YANG TARGETJOB NI KATE. DALAM BI eh. malas nak translate2 ni. aku paham kot BI. *muka berlagak. :3.. kalau xpaham pergi je google translate

show your understanding of the differences between consulting and contracting in applications and interviews.

Not knowing whether you are applying to a contractor or a consultant – nor understanding the differences between the two – can seriously harm your quantity surveying job prospects. To help, we outline the main differences and explore how you can demonstrate this knowledge in graduate applications and interviews.

Quantity surveying recruiters tell us that many graduate applicants don’t appear to know whether they’re applying to a consultant or a contractor. This is concerning, considering the job of a quantity surveyor is entirely different depending on whether you work for a consultant or a contractor. In fact, you should use your knowledge of the differences as part of your answers to common application and interview questions, such as:

What do you know about us? (Whether they are a consultant or contractor should be the basic starting point for your answer.)
Why are you applying to us? Why do you want to work for us? (Part of your answer could be because you want to work in consultancy or contracting.)
What will you be doing as a quantity surveyor? What does a quantity surveying career involve? (Show that you understand how the job differs depending on the type of organisation you work for.)
Why do you think you would make a good employee? (Part of your answer could be that you are particularly well suited to, eg consultancy work, because...)
Before we start: how a project gets built
The typical ‘project cycle’ – the process of getting a project built or completed – is:

A client decides there is a need for a project – something should be built, renovated or developed. The client decides what they want to build, when they need it to be finished and how much they are prepared to pay.
The client employs consultancies quite early in the project to advise them on design and cost matters. Sometimes they employ a number of specialist consultancies but sometimes one consultancy will provide a range of services.
Once sufficient design information is available, the client’s consultant team issues tenders to contractors, who then submit a price or bid for building the project. The contractor who wins the project carries out the construction work in accordance with the design, to the required quality, in the time allowed and for the agreed price.
Sometimes the contractor contracts out some work requiring specialist skills or expertise to subcontractors, eg reinforced concrete works, structural steelwork, foundation piling, roofing, cladding, plumbing and electrical work.
However, it’s now increasingly common for contractors to offer an all-in-one design-and-build service, thereby taking on some of the early design and cost management work traditionally completed by consultants.

With thanks to Hugh Price, professional development manager at Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd, for his help with this explanation.

The job of graduate quantity surveyors at consultancies
Consultants (private practices) are usually employed by a client for their expertise, including cost management. Quantity surveyors working for a private practice consultancy are known in the industry as private quantity surveyors (PQS) and their role could be classed under a number of different job titles: cost consultant or cost manager, for example.

A PQS gets involved at an early stage of the project and is consulted on costs at every stage, from initial design through to the completion. They are largely responsible for the validation and monitoring of costs. Initial tasks for a PQS involve advising on procurement, producing initial cost plans and hiring contractors. Once the project is up and running, the PQS will liaise with the contractor’s QS to verify and authorise monthly payments and to approve any changes to the original price. They tend to be largely office based, typically getting out on site about once a week.

A PQS would typically start as an assistant cost manager, progress to senior cost manager (after gaining chartership) and then work their way up to associate director and director.

The job of graduate quantity surveyors working at contractors
The role of a contractor’s QS is to ensure that the project stays within the given budget and to maximise profit for their employer. They are often based on site and are very much at the centre of the project, watching it progress from day to day. A contractor’s QS gets an overview of the construction process and hands-on technical experience. Among other things, they are involved in preparing and reviewing subcontract tenders (finding the most suitable subcontractors for particular sections of work), managing the subcontractor’s work throughout, reporting on the financial progress of the project, generating valuations for the work done to date, and overseeing the payment of the subcontractors.

If, however, they work for a contractor that provides a design-and-build service they would get involved at an earlier stage of the project. Graduates working at contractors tend to start as an assistant QS, progress to senior QS, and then work their way up to commercial manager.

How to decide whether a consulting or contracting cost management career is best for you
You do need to think carefully about whether working on the contractor or consultancy side would suit you. It is difficult to switch disciplines once you get established in your career and certainly after you become chartered.

Start with some self-evaluation: if you are more suited to being out and about on site than in an office all day, contracting is probably for you. Quantity surveyors at consultancies (PQSs) tend to put in more regular (typically office) hours while those on site will tend to work longer site-based hours. If you work on site, you may have a longer commute, but you will also have a front-row seat from which to watch the project being built.

If you can, get work experience with both a contractor and a consultant, even if it’s just a day’s work-shadowing. This is the best way to ‘try before you buy’ and will look good in job applications and interviews.

Friday, May 16, 2014

diHALAU keluar oleh TUAN RUMAH

ha.. simpati tak dengar tajuk macam ni? hmmm deep breath. seumur hidup aku tak pernah pun la menyangka ada orang macam ni walaupun selalu jugak dengar kat movie or cerita dri media sosial. tapi yela kena bersangka baik kan. so selalu la pikir. mungkin ade sebab kot tuan rumah buat camtu. tak bayar sewa ke kan. kita mana nak tahu.

deabak kau!  bila kena dekat batang hidung sendiri baru nak terkial kial. tanggal 8/5 hari tu dapat la mesej dari tuan rumah.. jeng jeng jen.

rasa nak panas hati jugak la kan bila dapat mesej macam tu. 8 hb send besej, 13 hb nk kena keluar. KAU HENGAT SENANG NAK CARI RUMAH SEWA KAT PENANG NI. dah la intern dah berbaki 2 bulan lagi. mana ada orang nak bagi sewa 2 bulan je. gelabah jugak la dengan duit JPA dah selamat habis.

so mula balik la pencarian mencari rumah sewa untuk 2 bulan. eh no no. bilik sewa. then call ramai orang. of course la sumber dari mudah.my dan ibilik.my . credit to this website. banyak jugak la orang yang kami kol nak sewa bilik. tapi mostly sume tak mau sebab dua bulan je. and bulan 6 ni kan budak uitm masuk balik jadi kebanyakan nye simpan untuk budak uitm la. ada jugak yang nak bagi sewa, tapi melampau nye walaupun sewa dua bulan tapi bayar untuk 3 bulan.

WOI! kalau aku ade duit tarak hal la nak bayar. masalahnye mana ade duit. aku sewa dua bulan suppose kena bayar dua bulan la jugak kan..

aish. "ni lah melayu kalau berniaga tak pernah nak ikhlas, nak cari duit lebih je" kalau aku tulis ni ade orang bash aku tak?

then teruskan pencarian, jumpa bilik sewa ni satu bilik tiga orang tanpa almari, yang ada cuma katil single 3 ketul, kipas kaki panjang 1 berharga rm150/kepala. memikior nk ambik ke tak nak sebab due date nak kena halau hampir tiba. kang karang, tak dapat rumah nk tidur. dengan pakcik tu pulak siap saiko.

katenye berbunyi " saya bagi pada sape yang bank in duit dulu. sebab tiga orang lagi yang nak jugak. sapa cepat dia dapat" ha ape lagi kan. gelabah takut xde tempat tidur. xpe ambik jela. nak sedapkan hati cakap la " xpe lagi 2 bulan je nak intern" tpi tgh dok pikir cemana nak duduk dlm bilik kecik 3 org. dgn xdak almari. baju mesti bersepah sepah. gantung sana sini. mesti macam rumah setinggan dah.

so bank in la dulu deposit rm300 untuk 3 orang. dan bila selamat bank in tu. sesaje je lah cek kat mudah balik. prangg.. oke ade bilik kosong nak sewa. lengkap dengan almari,katil, kipas sume. monthly rm155. so sesaje la pergi tengok kan. bila gi tengok tu, memula aku rasa cam wahhh ini baru nama rumah. gila lah, ruang tamu kemas, besar. dapur siap ade kabinet.  toilet cantik kot dah macam toilet kt kolej yang baru renoveted tu. senang cakap pertama kali tengok boleh jatuh hati la.

so bila dah berbincang ngan member, decide nak duduk dekat situ, so telefon la tuan rumah yang kami bank in tak sampai berapa jam tu tadi, cakap tak jadi duduk rumah tu. ingatkan nk minta balik duit yang dah bank in tu. tapi malangya pakcik tu tak mau bagi duit tu. so tak pela mungkin salah kami, jadi kami minta separuh je pun tak pe sebab tak da duit kot kan. still jugak tak mau bagi. katenye sebagai ganti rugi dekat die.

hey. panas hati la kan. ganti rugi apenye, rumah x masuk lagi, air api x guna. so die ckp tengok la kalau ade orang lain masuk saya pagi. so pegang je la janji pakcik tu. die yang janji mcm tu oke. kalau tak bagi memang haram la kan duit tu.

hmm. macam ni lah hidup. tak semua orang tu baik hati. semua ada kpentingan masing-masing.

Monday, April 28, 2014

TERGEMPAR! orang bunuh diri


Aku tak tau cerita ni masuk berita kt tb 3 ke x .. tapi saja la nak cerita kononnya cam excited sikit la sebab berada di tempat kejadian. eh jap. to be exact bukan kat kawasan kejadian pun. hihihi

aku ni kan duduk menyewa dekat kondo sekarang ni kan. aku tak tau pun sebab ape nama die kondo, rupa macam apartment je. tapi dh alamat die pun namanye KONDOMINIUM MUTIARA. tu bila kawan2 dok tanya tinggal kat mana rasa segan je nak menjawab duduk kondo je. ade dua je reaksi dorang bagi

1. fuhyoo praktikal je kot, duduk kondo, dak jpa~~
2. kahkahkah, perasan la kau. umah pun x mampu.

ok fine aku sewa bilik je oke. tu malas nk cakap kondo tu. kalau orang tanya cakap apartment je. memula tu nk berlagak la jugak.

eh oke dah tersasar jauh ni. back to story, nak dijadikan cerita, aku dudk kat blok A, orang yang bunuh diri tu blok B, hari tu hari isnin, actually aku ade site valuation pagi tu, then habis around pukul 11. so aku ingat balik tidur dulu lepas habis rehat baru masuk opis balik, tapi bila jarum menunjukkan ke angka 2 petang. rasa malas je nk kerja. so ponteng ler jawabnye.

n aku tak sure bila orang tu mati sedar2 bila petang, housemate balik kate ade trak polis, kereta polis kt bawah, banyak. so kami ngintai la kat korridor umah. lama jugak sampai senja la dok ngintai. then macam2 la dok pikir. antaranya

"ni mesti kes bunuh ni"
"kalau india mesti sebab gaduh"
"kalau cina mesti sebab along"
"kalau melayu errrmmm"

then pergi la merisik risik khabar, dapat tahu rupanya india lelaki gantung diri.. punyala bayangkan benda2 yg ekstream.

n bende tu kejap je rasa ingin tahu nya. pukul 8 tu dah buat mcm biasa dah like xde pape jadi. ke aku ni kurang sensitivity. eh

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

JKM 2012 berjumpa Mahathir

ni semua gara-gara CIK ZILAH AZIZ la ni. die pergi throw back bali gambar time bebudak jkm pergi putrajaya. kan aku pun dah terdetik nak wat entry ni. oke series mengaku rindu sikit la time jadi budak jkm. hehe...

teringat balik time ni kitorang ade program jumpa Mahathir. ala program macam kepimpinan la jugak. best-best. jumaat sampai ahad kalau tak silap.

belajar dari pengalaman

pengalaman ke kesilapan?? eh sama je kan.

so aku nak cerita sikit la pasal pengalaman dan kesilapan aku supaya korang korang yang baca ni ambik iktibar.. hahaha tapi khas untuk pemegang biasiswa JPA je lah.

aku sarankan adik-adik yang baru dapat biasiswa ni berjimat jimat. jangan jadi macam aku ni. mengikut pengalaman aku selama tiga tahun ni kan, aku dapat JPA semester 1 duit masuk semester 2. masa tu JPA bagi sekali untuk semester satu dan dua. ha hambik kau umur baru 20 tahun pap rm10k ade kat bank. time tu bergila aku belanja. cuti semester tak balik terus ke rumah, aku gi jenjalan dulu kat GENTING HIGHLAND. lepas tu jenjalan ke BRUNEI pulak dan selepas tu ke SINGAPORE. excited la katekan dapat duit banyak. tapi 10K aku tu bertahan satu semester je. masuk semester berikutnya macam orang miskin je time menunggu duit masuk. duit bukan masuk awal sem. dan begitulah selepas selepas tu. setiap semester aku plan nak simpan duit tapi dah ketahun tiga xmenyimpan pon. sekarang baru terbit rasa menyesal kat hati. kalaulah waktu awal2 dulu aku manage duit dengan baik, buat pelaburan ke and what ever mesti berbaloi.

tapi nak menyesal pon x guna. dah memang jenis kaki boros. so kepada adik-adik kalau dapat duit sekali 10K menyimpan lah.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

berINTERN selama 6 bulan

bosan bosan bosan. ok tu je yang aku rasa sepanjang berintern ni. selama 6 bulan aku terpaksa bekerja (kononya) mula-mula tu memang xcited la kekononye dapat hidup cara org bekerja. nah hambik kau dah 4 bulan rasa macam nak mati je. bila dapat keja xberagak bnyaknye. bila tak ade tu nah bermingu minggu duduk melangut je. nasib baik company ada wifi.

pengalaman eh.... sepanjang berintern ni aku jumpa banyak orang yg terlibat dalam industri pembinaan ni la. terutamanya bagi area penang. perangai Client jangn cakap la kan.. kekadang garang nak mampos main tenking2 je. tapi yelah client yg keluar duit kan. the BOSS la katakan. tapi ade jugak client yg baik. Contraktor pon memacam ragam die. kekadang claim lebih la. kalau lambat buat keje tu mcm normal je la kan. aku tgk ade 3 4 kontraktor cmtu. ha..ade jugak kontraktor yg kena terminate. dan kontraktor tersebut diistiyharkan muflis a.k.a bankrup. kekadang seteress melayan kontraktor ni. nak claim ni la itu la. tpi ade akak QS kt sini pesan, kalau time valuation kalo die minta claim tulis je. nnti sampai opis edit la balik. *itu kalau cara penakut la. yela mana berani lawan kontractor ooii. awok ni praktikal lagi.

yang part paling best bila pergi meeting kt site, kontraktor belanja makan. fuhh kadang2 macam tau2 je xde duit, tetiba ade meeting.. hahaha.

ha dan secara kebetulan pulak housemate yg aku sewa di penang pun kerja ngan kontraktor jugak, so boleh2 la tanya2 info pasal nak buat PSM ye dak? and lagi satu PAKWE aku pun QS. eh tapi ni bukan secara kebetulan. dah memang terang2 aku kenal die time die ambik QS.

lagi satu nak share ha uni aku guna sistem online uolss nk buat report latihan. *bunyi cam sedap je kan, tapi remehnye.. adoii hehe biarlah rahsia. nama pun UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA..  heee. oke selamat bekerja semua

*err lagi 12 minggu nk habis. 5-13 Jun ni supervisor aku datang.


ROSASINENSIS Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon