just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

geng favourite hobby...tido dalam kelas

wallawei..ni la rutin harian kami ..tidor dalam kelas..ponteng kelas atau posing dalam kelas..haha..tiap2 ari mesti ade la wat bende alah ni..so skang nk cite cket sal tido dlm kelas..ase2 nye sume geng aku pernah tido dalam kelas n yg terbaru skali waktu hari ni time subjek ekonomi,,my lovely friends SITI NURBAHIYAH yg dikatakan seorng budak excellent telah tido dalam kelas..waaa berita terbaru wei..haha..act die slalu da tido dlm kuliah n kelas cume tdi bwu berjaya tngkap gmbar die time tdo dgn mnggunkn kamera lolipop die sndiri..haha..jgn marah ae cik bahiyah..

hihi....so im soooo sorry r bahiyah ae,,terupload gmbr ang..mmg sgaje pon..huhu....

k next plak ni cik mira n cik wina...dowg ni pon kuat tido gak..tapi ni .tpi gmbr ni bkn yg ari ni nye la..gmbr sem lepas kot..haha..dowg ni time perhimpunan pon bleh tido..letak je kt mene2 sng je tido nye....

k da abes cite psl dowg..gmbr aku?? nk letk ke x ae..kalo x letak tkot org2 tua kt atas tu mrh plak kate x adil..haha..so aku ltk la pic aku ttido skli....

haha,,,,so da nsib dapat geng yg kuat tidooo..zzzzzz...haha..caya la beb..sehati sejiwa kot..hihi..sbb tu leh ngam..haha..k luv u all..so kita tido berjemaah ae..haha


bahiyah.sayang.kamu said...

hehehe.. shaye leader!

surina amin said...

haha..anda memang leader dalam bab tido..hehe

bahiyah said...

hehehehe..jangan tiru taw!

surina amin said...

haha..i tak tiru,,tapi i follow u punye action je/..hehe

kamen rider said...

sungguh nyeyak skali geng2 ni tido..... hihihi......

bahiyah said...

ngeh ngeh.. rindu zaman ni~

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