just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

really dont care

I do not care what they think. They can hate, judge, talk behind my back. Although, one thing they can never do is GET ME to change. I am who I am, and the way I act, think, imagine, dream, dress, speak, love, look and feel. Will always remain the same. beside please do not judge me until you know me, do not underestimate me until you have challenged me, and do not talk about me until you have talked to me.

Rosasinensis di SINGAPURA

as salam n hii

today i nak tulis pasal kami pergi singapura..walaupun dekat but it still oversea kan. and first time kami 9 orang pergi sana sama2.. hehe best la jugak even ada kejadian yang berlaku..
act kami ada sedikit salah faham sikit..so bile time pergi singapore tu kami x jalan 9 org..semua berpecah jadi 2 group.;huhuhu.. dalam hal ni semua salah tau..!!
ok drop that subject..
sekarang nk cerita perjalanan ke sana.. kami pergi sana via bas seramai 60 orang la .. agak best dan seronok. act more kpda jln2 sbb ikut agency kan..lgipun bukan tidur kt sana pon..so masa sngt terhad.. tpi sorry i dah x ingt name2 tmpat yg kami pergi..btw singapore negara kedua yang i pergi lepas brunei.. lepas ni x tau nk pergi mana pulak.tu pon kalau ade duet boleh la gi jln2 lagi..huhu.:D


here we are #missnurin/misspqa/misskila/misswani/missbella/misssue/misssuri/missenna/miss lieysa

at merlion

pulau sentosa..#

nearby universal studio#

look like model..#miss nurin

Sunday, December 23, 2012

we call it FRIENDSHIP

"When I'm asked what one happy thought is I always say knowing that no matter how big the fight is I will always have a best friend." 

yea..we always fight. act not real fight but in silence we make a fight. and after that we're back again as a friends. that how we make a friendship. sometimes i feel that are we can be a bestfriends? because we're not one or two but nine. too many character we need to study. but again after one year, we still together. one of my friends said that "even we have a big big fight, please one of us endure it because we love this friendship" thats true because when we have fight or argument, we dont know what we talk, and what we do.  the one who endure it doesnt mean that you are wrong. she do that bcause of us. perhaps whatever situation comes to us, we try save our friendship.

"We've shared so much laughter, so many tears. We're a spiritual bond that grows stronger each year. We're not sisters by birth, but we knew from the start, something put us together to be sisters by heart." 


Cinta Ku DI Brunei part 1

as salam dan good morning.

act cerita ni nk share lame dah. since bulan 4 hari tu. i nak cerita yang i pergi brunei .. i pon not sure mcm mane i boleh terikut k pergi brunei tu. btw best la jugak.. LOVE IT. kalau boleh nak pergi lagi taw..
dah la lelaki kat sane hensem hensem..muka putih2 semua... WAH!!!... :D
ok first day kitorang kat sana kitorang tido kat hotel mane ntah.. lupa dah nama :D first day tu x ada sebrang aktiviti lagi just buat aktiviti masing masing . sbb act team kami ade dua trip naik flight so i yang kedua la. kami smpai kt LCCT dlm pukul 4 pagi then first flight pukul 6 and second around pukul 2 cmtula.. i pon not sure sgt.. i kene tggu kt LCCT tu sgt lame with SUHAINA. bosan pon ade tau.. aiyak!!
then bile flight kami smpai ade orang tgh tunggu kami.WAH..time tu rasa cm betul2 gi oversea ni..siap ade org pegang kertas.. :D dia merupakan pemandu pelancong kami.. but sorry, im forgot his name. beliau terus bawak kami pergi check in hotel. n bila smpai je team fisrt tu x ade. try la tnye kat kaunter kan. tpi kene ckp omputih la sbb akak kaunter tu filipina. then die ckp yg kawan2 kami yg lain tu dah pergi jaln2 kt mall..:( sampai hati x tunggu kan. so kami pon naik bilik rehat2 kan badan..  n time malam ingtkan nk pesan dalam bilik je tpi sir ajak mkn n we all turun cafe smbil bincang pasal aktiviti esok..oke bersambung xoxo

update 1

as salam,and good morning..

suasana pada malam ni sangat sunyi. bunyi bising tiada kedengaran,
oh baru teringat! kebanyakkan pelajar pulang ke kampung.
tapi bukan cuti semester ye. cuma cuti study week.
mungkin mereka pulang untuk mendapat restu keluarga.
tapi aku masih disini.masih berfikir untuk pulang ataupun tidak.
telefon berbunyi disebelah menandakan panggilan masuk!
oh adik rupanya. telefon mengajakku pulang.
katanya lama tidak berjumpa. rindu la tue.
aku memberikan janjiku padanya...
untuk pulang pada minggu hadapan. :D

Saturday, December 22, 2012

After a Year

as salam,
first time after 12 month i didnt write any blog...
maybe im to busy or not interested on write a blog anymore..
but then.im going to do it again..
you know why?
because i need a place that i can keep the memory
like diary. but i teribly hate to write using my beautiful hand..
so im just typing..my hand will safe from danger.. :D
i really want to save it. because im afraid one day
the momment will dissapear.
so when the time arrive
i still have something that can remind me to you.
that the reason why i start blogging again
and the reason is YOU...~~F.R.I.E.N.D.S





ROSASINENSIS Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon