just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so ill see what you think of me. Enjoy Yourself!
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

tentangg exam

huh..wajarke aku tulis pasal exam ha??hanya nk mengusutkan pikiran2 orang yg membaca je..aku ase dlm beberape minggu nie komfom2 ramai blogger yg tulis pasl examm..EXAM..EXAM...EXAMM..
huh..penat tau x dgr perkataan tu..asl gi mne2 org akan tanye..cmne exam??agak2 dpt brape?? 
nk jwb ape??kang jawab ayt confident kang kate blagak plak..kalo ckp ayt rendah diri ckp badjet..donia2..exam  ape yg x susah ha?? sume bnde ssh kan...mak aku slalu ckp kalo ssh x yah amek exam..haha..
pape pon yg pasti aku x tau result aku until result nye keluar..wat membe2 seluruh matrikulasi kat malaysia ni u all boleh cek melalui sms hanya

taip MOE MAK NO IC dan hantarkan kepada 15888.. korang bleh tau pada 18/5/2011

hari terakhir exam..

haha..gmbr bawah nie sekadar hiasan je..tpi agak2 aku de ke jdi cmnie aek time exam ritu??haha..ase2 cm ade..

haaa..yang ni komfom2 la aku wat..expect nk stdy last2 on9 semedang...


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